Baby Bunting Twins

January is reserved for playing and puttering in my studio. I really look forward to this time of hibernation, without outside distractions. 31 days doesn’t seem long enough to make all of the things I’ve been dreaming about! So far, I’ve worked on simple projects that might take a few days, instead of months or seasons. I’ve already made several gifts, including a pair of Baby Buntings for twin 3 year-old girls. This post includes photos and 3 videos that show the process of making them.

The dolls are simpler than the figures with floss-wrapped arms and legs in my how-to book, Felt Wee Folk – New Adventures. The baby’s pipe cleaner body is padded and hidden inside a felt suit. Since the dolls would be played with by real children, I doubled up the pipe cleaners to make them extra sturdy. In the following video, you’ll see me forming the armature and covering it with wool batting.

The suits are made with naturally dyed wool felt and embroidered with fine wool tapestry yarn from my old stash. I’m sad to say that DMC discontinued selling the yarn years ago.

The following video shows me stitching the bunting yoke. To give an honest impression, I left in some clips that reveal snags, instead of editing them out. Maybe someday I’ll string all of the bloopers together!

I was was so engrossed with painting their faces that I forgot to take photos or videos. Their heads are made with 1′ wooden knobs (not beads), which are available here. Beads could be used as well. I just liked the size and flat bottom of the knobs.

The following video demonstrates how I attached the head, stitched the pointed hat, and formed the silk ribbon tie, which is a process I can’t describe in words.

These little dolls were so fun to make! They are now happily living with 3 year-old twins in Vermont. Stay tuned for future stories about more gifts I’ve made this month.

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