still playing with dolls


Some things never change. Like the urge to play with dolls. I’d venture to guess that there are a lot of grownups like me who still find themselves drawn to creating little worlds, just like they were in their youth. I feel honored to share my passion (perhaps even obsession?) for the wee world with you through my books and this blog.


I recently got out some props I’d made a few years ago for a video project that my husband Rob and I were planning, but didn’t undertake. It was pure play, as I set up one of the houses out in the yard and made this video with my phone camera.

Our original idea was to make a short stop motion animation of one of my favorite nursery rhymes, Wee Willie Winkie. The easy part was constructing the characters, houses, trees and a clock. Finding the time and space to work on the incredibly tedious task of animating the story turned out to be too much of a challenge. We figured that it would take several months of concentrated effort to make even a 5 min. video that we would be proud of. We’re still intrigued by the prospect of putting together a film and who knows, we may do it eventually. But for now, I will soon embark on a new project that will keep me busy for a few years. More about that later…


Here’s the clock for the scene, “Are the children in their beds, for now it’s 8 o’clock?”


In the meantime, the various props have not been hidden away. They’ve been used as backdrops for other photos, including shots of Polly and A Buggy Picnic, which is available as a card.

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7 thoughts on “still playing with dolls

  1. enjoy your emails so much,I too. play with dolls and by the time I have finished them I know their whole story.Customers love to hear the stories about the doll they buy.Sometime I make it up on the spot ! Linda

  2. Thanks for sharing. Your dolls and their setting inspire me so much.
    I’m just beginning to create little scenes with my 3 little grand daughters. We are starting with peg dolls because they are small and easy enough to make that they can do some of the steps.
    I’m practicing making your dolls and as they get older I’m sure we’ll be using them in our scenes. Your dolls offer the opportunity to teach my grands a huge variety of skills.
    I have to say that “Felt Wee Folks – New Adventures” lives in my bed and many nights it is my bedtime reading. Thumbing through the scenes, looking at the colors and gorgeous embroidery detail is a fabulous finish to my day.
    Happy Memorial Weekend!

  3. Lovely, as ever! And yes, I still play. In fact I posted about one of my playthings a week or so ago, which is an ornate paper doll’s house (rather like the Victorian paper theatres).
    I am still meaning to make some things from a book I have of yours, but alas haven’t started yet.

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