New Fairy Poster!

 A whole swarm of Blossom Fairies are gathered together in my newest 18″ x 24″ poster, which is listed in my Etsy Shop. I’ll be glad to autograph any of the posters–just mention it on your order. There’s Blueberry, Black-Eyed-Susan, Aster, and Porcelain Berry, along with 12 other fairies dressed in petal petticoats. About a dozen years ago, I went on a fairy-making binge, designing all kinds of wee characters to go with different flowers and berries in season.  I carried them in a basket, searching around the neighborhood for the best natural spots to take their pictures. Hazy days were best for photography, because there were less harsh shadows on their delicate fairy faces. 

It was fun to go through the slides (they were taken before digital) and pick out which fairies to include in the poster. Many of the photographs are printed in my how-to book, Felt Wee Folk and some are still available as note cards in my Etsy Shop. My sister, Anne Mavor designed this poster in her clean, classic style. Even though I don’t make kits and Ltd. edition dolls any more, it’s fun to have the photos to work with. I’m happy to find a way to bring back the Blossom Fairies!

9 thoughts on “New Fairy Poster!

  1. Happy Mother’s Day Salley,

    Your fairies are delightful, after I purchased your book I made many of them and gave several away to friends who fell in love with them. Now I want to head to my sewing room and make some more. Your poster is gorgeous.


  2. Just bought my poster! Thanks Salley.. Hope one day you reconsider making your dolls again. I am sure there are others, like my self that would love to own one made by you..
    GOD Bless,

  3. Oh, I must order one of these posters!!! Darling! Salley, how do you photograph your needlework? My long piece is not quite in focus on the sides, using the landscape setting.

  4. I will have to order one of these posters to hang in my kid’s playroom! I have made them many fairies from the Wee Felt Folk book, and they absolutely adore the nursery rhyme book. They’ll be so thrilled to have this on their wall!

  5. Salley, Will you be selling this composite fairy poster again? The Cicely Mary Barker flower fairy posters that I bought at the British Museum shop 40 years ago and used in my daughters’ nursery began a lifelong love of these exquisite “wee folk”. Thanks for sharing your lovely creations.

    • Thanks for your interest in the fairies poster, Eve. Yes, Cecily Mary Barker’s fairies are exquisite! I’m not sure if I’ll be reprinting the poster, as I have some new posters to do, but I’ll let you know if they become available.

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