Book Giveaway: Making Peg Dolls & More


I am excited to be included in Margaret Bloom’s blog tour for her new how-to book, Making Peg Dolls & More: toys that spin and bring sweet dreams. This charming hard cover volume joins the author’s popular first book, Making Peg Dolls, with new projects that act as imagination boosters for children, parents and teachers. To enter a Giveaway for a copy of Making Peg Dolls and More, please follow the directions at the end of this post, just before the nifty book trailer.

51abssZ0qWLAlthough we haven’t yet met in person, Margaret Bloom and I have developed a mutually supportive online friendship. We share an interest in designing and showing how to make little play figures which are influenced by the wisdom of Waldorf Education. Our approaches are different; Margaret’s peg dolls are perfectly suited for children to make, whereas my wee folk dolls (Felt Wee Folk) require more handwork skills and are geared toward adults. Margaret’s books fill a void in the craft and toy world and I recommend both of her books to anyone who has children in their lives.


In her new book, Margaret takes the concept of a simple peg doll to another level, introducing projects that animate the static wooden figures, sparking active creative play. The book sets the stage with a thoughtful Foreward by kindergarten teacher, Shaifa Oppenheimer, who writes, “Unlike many other sense-depriving toys, interactive screens and other products marketed to young children, which actually stand between the child and the true exploration of our beautiful green earth, this little book is an antidote and a balm.”


The book is very well organized and written in a friendly conversational tone, like the author is personally explaining the process to you. Poetry and familiar stories linked to the peg doll characters begin each chapter, adding lively and poignant narratives to the projects.


There are clear step-by-step directions for painting with non-toxic colors, dressing and decorating a variety of peg dolls that take the form of mobiles, tops, marionettes and other toys. She also shows how to make felt wall hanging scenes, with pockets for the peg dolls to call home. Helpful tips appear alongside the general directions and each project is clearly marked with one, two or three leaves, which indicate the skill level. The book’s simple, charming designs include just the right amount of detail to make the little figures eye-catching and engaging.


Margaret’s Peg Doll books stand out as more than simply another series of craft how-to’s. They symbolize the reclaiming of childhood in today’s technological world and encourage the creation of toys that will be appreciated and admired long after the children are grown.

Margaret’s books are available at all of the usual online booksellers like Amazon as well as shops that also sell craft supplies for the book’s projects, such as Bella Luna Toys, A Child’s Dream Come True & Castle in the Air.

To enter the Giveaway for a copy of Making Peg Dolls & More, please leave a comment (on this post) which mentions your favorite childhood toy. The contest is worldwide and the winner will be picked at random on Feb. 15th. Here’s the book trailer:

You can follow the Blog tour and enter more book Giveaways by linking to these specially selected sites:

February 2nd :: The Crafty Crow

February 3rd :: Clean

February 4th :: Castle in the Air

February 5th :: Salley Mavor (Wee Folk Studio)

February 7th :: A Child’s Dream

February 9th :: Forest Fairy Crafts

February 10th :: Bella Luna Toys

Febraury 11th :: Ben & Birdy

February 12th :: Twig & Toadstool

February 13th :: Wee Wonderfuls

123 thoughts on “Book Giveaway: Making Peg Dolls & More

  1. My favorite ‘toy’ was a box of dress up clothes my mom made for my sister and me out of all sorts of cast-offs. It was magical; neighbor kids, who came to our house when they found out about the box, became friends with us while exploring the potential of the box’s contents.

  2. One of my favorite childhood toys was a crocheted poodle that my grandmother made for me. She made one for me and one for my sister. I was always jealous that my sister’s poodle was pristine sitting on her shelf in the room we shared. Mine was loved to death. I still look for the crochet pattern for this toy.

  3. Cute dolls. I have always loved playing with little dolls and paper dolls. My fav toy was a doll called Heidi pocket doll. I made her little clothes and furniture

  4. Thank you for this Salley! My favorite toy was a doll given by grandmother when I was born. She is (still have her, 45 years old!) a ragged doll made by a brazilian artisan. I had to change her original dress a few years ago, but her soul still intact! Happy weekend!

  5. My favourite toy was a boy doll in a Christening dress. The clothes are long gone- probably remade for a fashion doll- but the much loved doll remains– for my grandsons to play with as they pretend to be daddies.

  6. My favorite toys were my little dolls called Little Kiddles. I just loved them and spent endless hours of pure happiness playing with them.I am so glad I was a girl and not a boy.

    • Just had to say I loved my Liddle Kiddles too! And as an adult I’ve collected many of them. They lived and still do, in my dollhouse!

  7. I have a Raggedy Ann doll that must have been my mother’s judging by the fabric of her blouse, which peeks out from under her smock. She’s seen a few puddles and her rag hair is a bit short from being plucked at by small fingers, but she is much loved and sits on a bookshelf near my desk watching me.

  8. I love to make peg dolls, so if I win or not, I will probably add this to my library. My daughters favorite toy is a cloth doll I made for her in the likeness of Anne of Green Gables, and my son’s was his mouse finger puppet named Squirt.

  9. Oh…my favorite toy. Hmmm….I loved to play with dolls, mostly baby dolls — Baby That-a-Way specifically, but I did love to create Barbie houses and accessories. I also loved little pocket dolls.

  10. I loved any kind of figurines – my grandparents kept about ten little porcelain animals displayed on a wide windowsill. I don’t remember ever breaking them, but my father just sent them to me a few years ago. They are all glued in about a million places. My dad says his father would repair them every time we left and have them waiting for my next arrival. He asked his father once if they’d prefer if I didn’t play with them and my grandfather just looked a him and said ‘but that’s what they’re there for!’

  11. Dolls….paper dolls, baby dolls, dollhouse dolls, Barbie dolls. Now I’ve discovered peg dolls and love making them with the kids I tutor.

  12. Salley I love watching you work. You have such undying patience. The earliest childhood toy I can remember was a Betsy Wetsy doll. I was small but I still remember her. She went to the bath with me and had only painted hair but she was so fun. I think I remember her most because one Christmas my mother asked me to give her to my little sister. I think I felt like a mother would feel giving away her child and couldn’t believe she would ask me to do such a thing but she did. I’m sure there were some tears shed. When she whispered to me that Santa was bringing me a new doll just like her, I relinquished. I would still see Betsy and I watched my mother making lots of little clothes and crocheting round the edges so they would have matching outfits. I’m still not sure why my mother didn’t just have Santa bring the new doll to my little sister and I’d be able to keep Betsy. I can only imagine she wanted me to learn to sacrifice what I held most dear for the good of others. I hope I learned the lesson.

  13. I have been following her blog and I just love her creations. I have been wanting this book and her first one. My favorite toy was a stuffed pink rabbit I called Pinky. She went on many adventures with me until she was worn down like the Velveteen rabbit, and I felt sad one day when I realized I had been leaving her behind and had outgrown the need for her.

  14. One of my favorite childhood memories is playing with paper dolls my sisters and I cut out of the Montgomery Ward catalogue. We would cut out people, furniture, appliances, etc., then arrange them all in homes we had created by forming walls using the blankets on our beds. It kept us immersed in imaginative play every morning when we woke ( and allowed our parents some extra sleep time!).

  15. My favorite toy was a stable I made for my Breyer horses. I made it completely from scrap pieces of wood and sticks I would scavenge from here and there. I made a feeding trough for them and used Grape Nuts for their food. i made all of the horse tack by braiding embroidery floss. I played and imagined with that stable for years. That experience taught my young eyes to search for shape, texture and the unobvious. 45 years later, my eyes continue to see the unexpected because of creative experiences. I’m so thankful my parents could not afford to buy a stable! Agh thanks for that wonderful trip down memory lane 🙂

  16. Love the colorful peg people. Thinking of my grandson and how he loves little figures to play with, with his trucks.
    I’ve been making fairy dolls based on Sally’s book. I used to make paper dolls w/ all their clothing as a kid, with stick houses or shoe box rooms. Lots of focused play with cutting and gluing, coloring the dresses.
    Still get lots of pleasure making sock dolls for neighbors’ kids.

  17. My favorite was a doll named “Puppetrina”. She must have been my Mom’s favorite too. She always kept it in the bathroom closet under a stack of towels. I still have it today, 40-some years later. 💃

  18. One of my favorite toys was a transparent gold plastic box filled with sewing supplies. The box had once held a pair of sparkly dress-up high heels which I didn’t like (I still don’t wear high heels). I used the box to hold my sewing supplies – little bits of fabric I could scrounge from my mom and thread and scissors – my first project was a little patchwork quilt. Quilting is my favorite hobby now these many years later.

  19. Love the little wooden figures. Great colors and I can picture my 2 year old grandson using them with all his trucks.
    I spent hours making paper dolls and their clothing as a child. Shoe boxes were transformed into houses and castles – lots of happy hours drawing and cutting , gluing and coloring.
    Still love to create fairy dolls and fabric animals.
    Thanks for the new book of ideas.

  20. What adorable Pegs! My favorite childhood toy was a stuffed teddy bear. I would carry him everywhere and talk to him. I always enjoyed the dolls Mom sewed and a Scottie Dog Mom crocheted. Mom and Dad took me for walks in the park where we collected acorns and leaves, then Mom showed me how to make my own doll out of them. I always enjoyed making things from scratch. I love your felt Wee Folks!

  21. My favorite toy were art and craft supplies. But I also remember a toy bear, that spun around and had magical rings inside.

  22. My favorite toy was a baby doll (which I still have, 64 years later!) given to me when I was about 6.
    I called her “Sucky”, because you could put her thumb in her mouth and her hand would stay there! She now wears a vintage antique baby dress, sits in the antique high chair my father gave me for her. I spent endless hours playing with her as a child. Her head,hands/lower arms, and feet/ankles are made of some kind of soft/hard rubber type material, and her body is cloth, repaired by my mother many times. She used to cry when you pushed on her chest, but that wore out years ago! Love your book!

  23. I loved dolls – all sizes! I would make clothes, furniture and decorate homes for them. I always made sure that my children had dolls (even the boys – although they called them action figures).Now we get to begin again with another generation! My grandchildren will always have dolls to enjoy and create new stories, clothes and homes!

  24. I too loved dolls. There is scarcely a picture taken of me when I did not have a doll in my arms. Maternal from the get go I had 5 children.

  25. As a child (and still as an adult) I have loved anything miniature…dolls, teddybears, figurines…all of it, as long as it was TINY!! My Little Kiddles dolls topped the list as childhood favorites…and as an adult, I have become enchanted with vintage style toys such as peg dolls, pipecleaner dolls, and other nostalgic strolls down memory lane!!

  26. I have never thought about that. I always loved dolls and play dishes,then barbies as I got older. The most enjoyable play was after every season my sister and I would pull our red (rusty) wagon to our neighborhood cloth shop and pick up the outdated pattern books. These were our paper dolls. We each had a shoe box and we would cut (make a mess) for hours at a time. I remember pondering which side of the picture to cut .

  27. The Raggedy Ann I received for my eighth Christmas was my absolute favorite! I also played with my Spirograph (received same year) oodles.

  28. Well it’s hard to narrow it down to one. I had a hand made black fabric doll that was about 16 inches tall with beautiful braids and an embroidered face, her nose was two little french knots and I used to love to look at the different stitches. The other was a small red wagon that I would load up all my dolls and stuffed animals with and take them for rides and little adventures.

  29. My favorite childhood toy was a little stuffed pink bunny. I still have it (missing its eyes, but otherwise in great shape and adorable as ever)! Had it since I was little, so it’s at least 50+ years old!

  30. I always love these contests, and am eager to learn more about the new book too. Picking my favorite toy would have to be a doll, since I am still fond of them. I loved my first Madame Alexander doll which my step-mother surprised me with when I was 9 or 10. I can still remember unwrapping the blue box with the small pink flowers, and then taking in the wonderful new doll smell…along with the doll’s lovely ballerina costume! Thankfully, I still have her, although her hair was trimmed a long time ago. She is still wearing her original clothes too. Happy stitching and creating to all, in these cold and wintry days!

  31. My favorite toy was my Strawberry Short Cake Baby doll. I still have her and she looks worst for wear, but I can tell How much I loved her.

  32. My favorite childhood toy was my cabbage patch doll, right smack in the middle of the crazy demand for them. I am making my daughter a knit doll now. I hope she loves her like I did my special doll!

  33. My favorite toy was DOLLS – all of them! The standout was a “plastic doll with nylon hair” which was quite an innovation in the 40s. She was beautiful with red hair nd braids coiled around her ears.

  34. The Peg Dolls remind me of the Hollyhock dolls that I made in the summer. With their blossom skirts and bud heads, they were an entire ballet corps. By the end of the day they were pretty wilted, but I could always make a new batch the next day.

  35. I actually have this book on my wish list- it’s so cute! My favorite toy was a cardboard box dollhouse I made following instructions in a book with lots of homemade furniture and decor-also from the book. It installed in me a love of dollhouses I still have to this day.

  36. My favorite toy was a blue wagon. It was many things to me and my four sisters as we played outside and pretended. A car, a boat, a pool, a bed for our dolls etc..

  37. My favorite childhood toys where the found objects in the back yard and garden. My brother and I created endless cities populated by twig people and coexisted happy in our own realities – I built intricate farms, pastures and homes and he built citadels and forts with on going wars. My father always had a veg patch and we built all around and through the squash hills and tomatoes vines – building hidden architectural wonders under the pea trellis – all of which where subject to catastrophic floods from the watering.

  38. Along with my imagination, my favorite toys were little tiny trolls from my dentist that I made homes for outside in all sorts of places!!! Oh the adventures we had!!!

  39. Wow, I had to think about my “favorite” toy. My first thought was the Fisher Price peg doll family, I never went anywhere without one of them when I was little. But then I remembered “Baby”, she was a rag doll. I don’t even remember what she originally looked like, I loved her so much. My mother had to make her a new “skin” every year or so. I loved all her skins, my mom would pick out a new fabric and sew a new outside for her. She was given to my older sister but she didn’t care about her, so when I was born my mom gave her to me. I have been told she was very fancy with outfits, hats, and shoes. She was always just a “gingerbread man” shaped doll without a face or clothes, but I loved her. I made sure she was the first toy I put in both of my children’s cribs when they were born.

  40. My favorite “toy” as a child was our pet bantam chickens- one little black hen in particular allowed us to dress her up and play house with her as our baby- the rest was made up of nature- money was tight and our childhood very simple but priceless….

  41. My favorite toy/game was the box of buttons at my grandparents’ house. I was mesmerized by them. I sorted them, made “pictures” on the carpet or just simply dipped my hands in them while still in the tin box. Just touching them alone was so pleasant.
    Thank you for the giveaway. My kids and I really want this book.

  42. One of my favourite toys (we always played outside in those days) was a wooden whirlabout, which I painted myself : it was so much fun to see the colours change into rings when it was turning fast 😉

  43. My first favourite childhood toy, which I still have, was tiny and blue & white and wooden – a woman in blue & white nursery nanny’s uniform wheeling a blue pram with tiny wooden wheels that went round on tiny wire axles trough the base of the pram, and in the pram a baby’s pink painted face. This nanny was a tiny peg doll, with toothpick wooden arms outstretched to push the pram’s wire handle. This is the first time I’ve thought this little toy may have been the start of my love for all things miniature!
    I have so much loved reading the responses from all those above.
    I have put the little nanny & pram somewhere so safe I can’t locate her right now to attach to this comment …

  44. My favorite toy was my Barbie doll the one that the hair grew when you pulled it out of the top of her head. She only had one haircut by me. Took it all off in one swoop. But really was more of a tom boy played with my brothers toys. Now I get to cut real hair.

  45. My favorite toy, which I shared with my sister, was a pink cardboard kitchen. The stove even had batteries under the burners, so that when you turned the burner “on”, it would light up red. One day a few years ago, I was with my sister when someone asked us what our favorite childhood toy was. In unison we replied “a little pink kitchen.”

  46. I remember my Revlon Doll as my most treasured toy as a child. Fondly I recall hours of playing with my sister as we fashioned clothing out of fabric for our dolls and used odds and ends found in the garage to make furniture for them.
    We played for hours…

  47. My favorite toys were my little dolls. They led exciting lives in the shoebox houses I made for them–always fashionably decorated! They had outfits for every occasion made from my mother’s sewing scraps. Eventually I moved on to my Pet Rock (remember when they were all the rage!) which lived in a very stylish shoebox house, but he was sadly hard to fit for designer clothing.

  48. blocks, rocks, and barbie! They were always there! Love blooms old book and can;t wait to get this one, however it may be. many thanks

  49. My favorite was a stuffed dog. He was my best friend. As a mother of four daughters, I am so pleased at how much they love to tea party and play with dolls.

  50. My “Baby Doll” was my favourite toy as a child. She was made of moulded rubber and had piercing blue eyes that never moved no matter how much I poked them. She was suckable, throwable, chewable, cuddle-able, dragable, sit-on-able, washable, dryable, hugable and talk-to-able. She was also extremely commutable as she was always with me. I’ve now given her to one of my very precious granddaughters who has renamed her “Hoggle”. I don’t think Baby Doll is too impressed with her new name, but she’s glad she’s got someone new to clean her eyes out on a daily basis.

  51. my favourite childhood toy.. hmm, I can only think of when I turned an age where I could actually do the crafts that allowed me to express my creativity. I remember my mom winning the “World’s Biggest Christmas Stocking” from the mall. It must have been 5 feet tall. There were so many craft kits in there, even a wood burning kit! I hoarded and treasured those gifts. And I created, Starting with little pipe cleaner people with bead heads and felt clothes. sound familiar? My kids love Margaret’s peg dolls. It would be a most valued book in our collection.

  52. My doll Mary was my childhood companion. I still have her & have made all sorts of clothes for her over the years. I once thought I saw her move.

  53. I had a little soft doll I loved. One year in grade school several classmates and made little ‘rooms’ in our desks for the little people who could live there. When I saw these peg dolls I thought how these would have been perfect for our little game!

  54. My favorite toys were Breyer horses. My sister and I built barns and fences out of cardboard, sewed blankets and saddles for them, and spent hours arranging scenes.

  55. My favorite toys were dolls of all kinds — Barbie dolls, Dawn dolls, baby dolls, Liddle Kiddles, Flatsy dolls, etc. As the only daughter among 6 children, I was given a lot of dolls! Thanks for the giveaway!

  56. the first thing that comes to mind is troll dolls and digging caves in the earth for them to live in and making clothing from felt and furniture from sticks and rocks.

    this book looks wonderful and as a grand mama i would love it! thank you for the chance to win!

  57. When I was a kid my parents bought me a doll which is similar to American girl doll, i am from India and not sure what was the name of that doll. Now I live in the U.S and I can make the comparisons. The doll looked similar to American girl doll, having beautiful blue eyes, curly short blonde hair, I loved her and I had named her ‘Pinky’. Me and my friends have played with this doll as long as I can remember. My mum had crocheted some clothes for her, I use to dress her every day. Even today I love dolls and making dolls is my all time favorite hobby. Thanks for this wonderful give away!
    Revathi Akshay.

  58. When I was little I loved playing with dolls but I hated the feel of the sticky plastic so I would dress upp my teddybears as dolls and play with them! Now, being and adult, I can feel both that it was good of my parents to let me use all of my imagination, but I can also be a little bit sad that I never got a doll that suited my likings better. Well, I will not do that to next generation that´s for sure!

  59. We made our own fun on the farm and orchard. Always jobs to help out with too, from bringing in the hay bales, milking the house cow to picking and packing fruit, so we valued our spare time. I was happiest making paper clothes for my cutout dolls, and playing with them. In the 1960s I had a book with lots of ‘fabric’ swatches and clothes templates for the dolls. The mismatched get ups I concocted would fit in well with todays ‘anything goes’ younger fashions! Happily, I’ve recently noticed that similar books are back on the shelves. Wonderful.

  60. My favorite toys would be dolls: a Tiny Tears, Ginnies and a tiny Betsy McCall; then the larger dolls, a Patti Playpal I named Sherrie and a large boy doll that I dressed in my baby nephew’s clothes (I was an Auntie at age 6!!!) But I loved my books and crayons, too!!

  61. Of course, it would have to be Barbie related. I’ve never seen them again but when my parents bought me a new bedroom set, it came with a wooden set of furniture for Barbie. That year I was also given a Barbie sized kitchen that had running water in the sink and washing machine – and all the tiny food and dishes needed to stock the refrigerator and cupboards. I’d sit for hours and create clothes from scraps of material. I remember taking much care with the furniture so I have no idea how they eventually disappeared.

  62. Thank you so much for a chance to win this book! It looks awesome!
    I think the toys I played with the most would have been my Barbie dolls. This was back in the early 60s so my Barbies sat stiff armed & legged and had unforgiving hair, but I loved them anyway. But if I had to choose just one toy that I’d be able to have right now, it’d be the yarn doll that my mom made for me (squares woven on a potholder loom & sewn together) that sat on my made bed by day. Each night, I’d play with her and imagine all kinds of adventures she had. Unfortunately in many many moves over 40 years, she got misplaced somewhere along the line. 😦

  63. I would love to win Peg Dolls and More. I enjoy making small dolls for my nieces. They each have at least one of your felt wee dolls. My favorite toys as a child made were my Barbie dolls, not for fashion, but as characters in my stories. I made them a house out of a box, along with homemade furniture. My grandfather made Barbie-sized kitchen appliances from blocks of wood. Barbie dated my brother’s G.I. Joe, but don’t tell him,

  64. My favorite childhood toy was my Paddington Bear stuffed animal. My daughter now has him, but does not play with him the way I did. I used my doll clothes on him all the time.

  65. I loved craft things like glitter and glue and sequins and YARN! But as far as an actual toy goes- it might be a Slinky! Or chalk… loved drawing on my chalkboard and the sidewalk both- many a hopscotch board was made along that slate sidewalk… jumping rope was very much fun too! Thank you for this chance to win Margaret’s new book- it would be lovely to add to our home. Making felt items is my grown- up craft passion – that and spinning my own yarn. 🙂

  66. My favourite toy was a doll I called Honey – she was my travelling companion while we traveled by train cross-country to our new home. Looking at pictures of her I wonder what I saw in her with her matted hair and busted eye – but she was my best friend none the less.

  67. My favorite toy was my teddy bear. He started out as a smart mohair bear and was given to me when I was born, but many washings later, he lost his growl and had quite a bit less fur, paw repairs and a lopsided head due to some missing stuffing. I guess that my parents didn’t know that he growled until they heard him one day in my crib and were startled by the noise. I don’t remember the growl, but I remember loving him more than anything. He still lives with me and he is still my oldest and dearest friend.

  68. My favorite toy was the Fisher Price school house with the little people. The teacher, desks, playground and working school bell. 😊

  69. My doll’s house, double fronted bay windows with a toilet at the top of the stairs… I loved the toilet best of all! xx

  70. My favorite toy was a stuffed elephant that my Dad won for my Mom at a carnival while they were dating. I still have my well loved, worn out Eddie 46 years later!

  71. My favorite toy was a bed side table that had 2 flip forward hinged doors. One right above the other. Very early on, I turned it into a house for my Dawn dolls & Trolls. (I was a child of the 60’s) I constantly redecorated with handmade furniture, mini decorations & clay dishes & food. The parties there were awesome. As I grew older, my creations grew with me. I wish I had that side table today.

  72. My favorite ‘toy’ as a child was a playhouse my father built just for me. It held years of wonderful solitude, joyous times shared with friends, and incredibly imaginative journeys through childhood. What I would give to return there, open the top of the Dutch door, and see the world as enchanting again!

  73. My favorite set of toys was the Sunshine Family dolls and house. I somehow received two babies, so I had twins, Jill and Pete, along with mom and dad, Kate and Sam. I made the homemade furniture, blankets and tablecloths. I found small objects that were suitable for the baby toys. I still have them, and the plastic furniture that came with the house. However, the house became moldy over time, and I had to throw it out. It was oh so 70s!

  74. My favorite childhood toy was a stuffed brown teddy bear with jointed legs and arms. I received him for either my first Christmas or about a month later for my first birthday. I still have him.

  75. Do you remember those molds you could use to make rubbery toys that you could snap together and make a toy…or you make make disgusting edible kinds…bugs and things in tutti frutti flavor! Now I think….blech! I made a dragon. I loved it. I made a house for it on my bedside table. I tucked it in to its little bed at night. I hid it in my desk at school during the day and did its tiny homework with its tiny tiny pencil, which came to my parents with a Time magazine subscription. I also adored a black plastic horse I found in the dirt in my backyard. I painted its mane and tail white. I think I could go on! Take care, Salley!

  76. My dolls..I spent hours playing with them..that was in the day when you would only have one of a kind with of my earliest Christmas memories was finding Betsy Wetsy under our tree….and a baby carriage ( plaid pink & green) to push her in..

  77. My favorite toy ever was a stuffed lamb. It arrived at Christmas in 1947 when I was one, and I christened it “Lambie”. I took it everywhere and it wasn’t long before it was tattered and worn and not fuzzy anymore. But I still loved it…and I still have my Lambie. I am so lucky to have my first toy!

  78. My favourite toy was a teddy bear and I used to pretend to be a vet and stitch him up. I didn’t quite make it as a vet, but our animals are not so keen on me, as they know when I arrive on our farm, it usually means they are due for some treatment or other since it is my husband’s job to do the main day to day caring of them 😀

  79. My favorite childhood toy was my roller skates – I used to go everywhere in those things, and spent hours skating through the neighborhood. I got rollerblades when I was 13, and it just isn’t the same.

  80. I come from a family where sometimes homemade gifts were the only ones given or received. My favorite dolls were a set of two rag dolls, a boy and a girl….not Raggedy
    Ann and Andy but they were dear to me all the same. I still have the dolls today in a tiny crib in my guest room. My mother’s youngest sister made them for me. She worked for a woman cleaning her home for spare money and the lady taught her to sew. The dolls were made from flowered feed sacks that my aunt unseamed and repurposed. I think often of those simpler days…..

  81. I don’t know if this counts as a toy but my art supplies were (and still are!) my favourite thing as a child. I think my daughter would agree and I’m very happy that we spend many hours crafting together!
    ~ joey ~

  82. My favorite toy was a rubber elephant that was given to me when I was very little. It traveled with me and sayed with me well into my teens until I lost it. But the memories live on 🙂

  83. I played with Fisher Price Little People until I was in Jr High! I had all the extras….the house, barn, parking garage, etc…..But that wasn’t enough, oh no, I had to build extra houses with wooden blocks and I used washcloths for carpet. Mom says she would go to bathe and there wouldn’t be any washcloths because I would have all of them.

  84. My favorite childhood toy was my grandmother’s dollhouse! It was handmade as a Christmas present for her and her younger sister, circa 1900. Imagine my joy when my great-aunt decided that I , at the age of 9, would be the lucky recipient of this family treasure!! I have been hooked on miniatures ever since… ❤

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