Birds of Beebe Woods finished!

Yeah! After 4 1/2 months of constant stitching, Birds of Beebe Woods is finished! I know that many of you have been checking in all summer to see its progress. We propped the stretcher on a window sill outside, securing it with duct tape on the top sides. The piece feels heavier than anything I’ve made before. All of that wire adds up in poundage. Over the next few days, my husband Rob will take photographs of it in different lighting conditions outside. For soft shadows, a bright, hazy day, will be perfect. when we get a good photo, I’ll have a poster made to sell in my Etsy shop.

Now that it’s finished, I can bring Birds of Beebe Woods to Mahopac, NY next week, when I give a talk at 7pm at the Mahopac Public Library. This stop on the Pocketful of Posies touring exhibit ends the same day, Wed., August 29th. I hope to see some of you there! To see the full schedule of the tour look here.

Then, the birds piece will be hung with other Beebe Woods inspired artwork at Highfield Hall in Falmouth, MA from Sept. 18 – Nov. 15, 2012, as part if the The Intimate Woods fiber art exhibit. I’m also giving an all day workshop at Highfield Hall in Falmouth on Sat., Oct. 27th. We’ll make felt banners with wrapped wire lettering.  Find out more here.


44 thoughts on “Birds of Beebe Woods finished!

  1. I just love that piece, would love to see a book with the bird patterns to make our own type of quilt or wall hanging. Does your husband use any special lighting or just the outdoor light for your photos?


    • Lost my Husband 3 years ago found 2 birds he made from wood I saw your Beautiful Birds , and so glad he didn’t add the feet so glad i now know what to look for . Well done. M&M

  2. I am so happy for you that your wonderful masterpiece is complete, and with time to spare it seems. I just love it and hope to be able to experience it in person at some point. I definitely plan to buy a poster once you have it ready for sale. I love that you used “duck/duct tape” to secure the piece…what better fixative is there to use, especially for your “Birds of Beebe Woods”? Have fun sharing it for the first time next week…would truly LOVE to join the fun!
    Blessings and happy birding! Pam

  3. It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see the close up shots. I agree with Debbie above. Will there be a bird book at some point? I hope so!

  4. Salley, I think I can speak for many of us that have followed your updates on this piece over the past few weeks. and say…
    We are Honored, to be some of the first few to see your Beautiful work before the public does.. it is Truly a Work of Art!
    I can hear the joyful sounds of birds calling out to one another.

    GOD Bless,

  5. Oh Salley, it’s incredible—how marvelous to see it completed. Whew—4 1/2 months! Thank you for sharing your work as each bird evolved and gracing your blog with close-up photos so we could see your stitches. The piece reminds me so much of Thornton Burgess and his famous (or infamous) animals. I think I spy Sammy Jay right there. Bravo!

  6. Salley,your birds look so real ! Thank-you for sharing the process of making this wonderful art piece . I would love to see it up close .

  7. WooHoo! That was FAST! Kidding… but it does seem to have come together fast after my visit. It must have been the secret adrenaline powder I sprinkled on your pin cushion!

  8. The birds are absolutely beautiful! Are your fingers sore after 4 months or are you used to it? You are truly gifted. Thank you for letting us peek into your work.

  9. WOW! just wow! It’s a beautiful piece with the most lovely colors. No wonder you look so happy! Gee, maybe I’ll get busy and finish that 3″ pin cushion I hoped to complete this summer!! (wink wink)

  10. Congratulations, it’s beautiful! I love how the male cardinal is looking back at his mate. I hope to see it in person someday. Thanks for sharing the process and the finished piece!

  11. Beautiful!!! Looking forward to seeing it live! Are you free for a late morning NPC Sept. 6? Love, Maria

    Sent from my iPad

  12. Magnificent!!! I wish it was coming to my house but I guess I’ll have to share it with the library and the manse…Absolutely a spectacular piece. Congratulations! Now you can have fun on your trip…

  13. Oh, Salley, what a marvelous project you have completed!!! I am so excited for you, as I can imagine what a thrill it has been to see your idea skillfully come to life on tapestry. Your design and each stitch is so artfully done….bravo!!!!

  14. Salley, I think it’s so interesting that you show in library galleries. I’ve shown in libraries too and have found that the audience is great. Some of our local libraries have better attendance than the art galleries. It’s so wonderful when people can stumble upon art when they’re not expecting it. And of course it’s such a great fit for you since you’ve illustrated so many books.

  15. It is amazingly beautiful,you are so talented! I am a big fan of your work, the detail is just incredible. Beautiful eye candy I could stare at your work for hours.

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