Ireland 2013 (street scenes)


We had lunch in a different town every day, but the pub lunch was basically the same– delicious pureed vegetable soup and brown bread! Here are some of the towns we visited in Ireland. I can’t remember all of their names, but they’re located in the central western  area. It was so refreshing to travel around without seeing a single strip mall or bill board.

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6 thoughts on “Ireland 2013 (street scenes)

  1. thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful photos of Ireland. I really enjoyed these photos in particular – makes me want to paint my windows and doors bright brilliant red!!!

  2. What I noticed most was the use of color on the homes. Here we have gotten stuck using BEIGE ugg! the bane of my existence.

  3. Your views of Ireland streets make it look very clean and well kept up. Is this typical, or do they have crummy neighborhoods also like here in U.S. cities? Anyway, through your eyes it looks like a very pleasant place to visit.

    • Yes, Judith, we didn’t see any trash around in any of the towns, even in the cities of Dublin and Galway. They take pride in their appearance and Ireland has a “Tidy Town” contest every year.

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