Birds of Beebe Woods: goldfinch, nuthatch & chickadee


I made my week’s goal of sewing 3 new birds to add to Birds of Beebe Woods! I was so determined to get them done, that I didn’t pause to take photos along the way. They are all approximately life-size. Here’s the show-off male goldfinch.



I love the way the little nuthatch hangs on facing downwards.

Poster - Birds of Beebe Woods

Poster – Birds of Beebe Woods

And our own Massachusetts state bird, the darling chickadee. It’s time to work on the background now. I’ll be checking in as the piece progresses.

Update: Posters and cards of Birds of Beebe Woods are available in my Etsy Shop.


35 thoughts on “Birds of Beebe Woods: goldfinch, nuthatch & chickadee

  1. Amazing… as usual. I have a question, “Is it quiet when you are working, or do you listen to music?” Also, “What time of day do you do your best creating?”.. Thank for for sharing. You are a gift.

  2. Congratulations for such beautiful needlework–and for bringing these sweet birds to life in fibers! realistic! You really have captured their personalities so well. These are frequent visitors at the feeder and watching them is a joy so seeing them like this really makes me smile!

  3. To be greeted in the morning with one of your wonderful posts is a great start to the day, what an adorable little bird, your work is fabulous.

  4. Again, truly awesome and inspiring! Please post again when this piece will hang in the hall at CLOC…and for how long? Thanks again for keeping us posted along this amazing journey of ultimate “bird watching”.

    • Pam, I hope that you have a chance to see the show(s) at Highfield this fall. Sept. 18 – Nov. 16, 2012 – The Intimate Woods at Historic Highfield Hall in Falmouth, MA (Cape Cod).

  5. Salley:

    You are a magician with thread and fiber. In your hands stitched fabric evolves into three dimensional dreams. I am in awe.

    I am still hoping that there will be a Beebe Woods poster in the near future so I can make a gift of one to my dearest “almost daughter”, Kate Beebe. I marvel at the coincidence of her name and the title of your piece along with the avian theme. Kate is an expert in bird genetics and a scientist who is expecting her first baby (a girl!) this month. I will be following your progress on this project with great interest. You are the best!

    Cathy G.
    Wayland, MA

  6. The nuthatch is just wonderful. We get nuthatches in our garden, and it always amazes me how these birds can eat peanuts while hanging upside down! The stitching on your birds is so neat, they’re just stunning.

  7. How FUN to discover you online after reviewing a lot of very humdrum felt birds and animals that look so elementary compared to your elegance and finesse. I can’t wait to see what comes next. Happy New Year!

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