Peas in the garden

This is the first harvest of peas from my garden this summer! Lately, I only plant snap peas, having given up on the chore of shelling regular peas. Later in the season, I’ll be shelling Lima beans, though, which are just starting to climb like Jack’s bean stalk. One pea plant is a rogue, shooting up way beyond the Burpee’s Oregon Sugar Pod II plants.

It has a pink and white flower and we shall see what kind of pea it offers.

The sugar snap peas are so tender when they’re young.

Early in the season the pea plants are healthy and lush. In a few weeks, I’ll barely be able to keep up with the picking. When the leaves are forming, they look like fans or complex origami.

The plant’s tendrils remind me of hopelessly tangled and knotted thread.

Soon, the peas will be growing so fast that I’ll miss picking them while they’re small. There will more than we can eat, so it’s blanching and freezing time! See some of my artwork that includes peas in an earlier post here.

7 thoughts on “Peas in the garden

  1. I’ll be picking my first peas tomorrow! I’m very excited and a little bummed because we’ll be on vacation all next week when there will be a heavy turn out. Hopefully my sister will enjoy them and harvest them well so they don’t shut down!

  2. Beautiful photos! Who would think that a common plant like a pea would have so many complex and interesting images? And how delicious! Thanks for bringing back fond memories of gardens past.

  3. Our snap peas here in Arkansas are nearly finished. They reached the top of our 8 foot garden fence. I only planted enough to eat fresh, but we enjoyed them both cooked and raw. They were planted in the middle of February.

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