Felt Wee Folk

Felt Wee Folk how-to book, with extra goodies – playing cards and faux flowers

Where did the wee folk come from?
“Early childhood dissatisfaction may have set this whole wee folk enterprise in motion. One of my first conscious memories involved playing with a set of plastic doll house figures that my mother dressed in homemade outfits. Even with their adorable folksy clothes, I felt that there was something wanting about these rubbery dolls with molded 50’s hairdos. Subsequently, I’ve spent my whole life figuring out ways to make little dolls that are true to what I first envisioned and longed for as a child. It just took a while to develop the skills to bring them to life. My aim in writing Felt Wee Folk was to offer others the kind of how-to book that I would have loved to have access to.”
– Salley Mavor

Playing cards

I am pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of my how-to book, Felt Wee Folk – New Adventures: 120 Enchanting Dolls by Salley Mavor, C&T Publishing ©2015, 160 pages, 8″ x 10″.

It’s available from booksellers, but books ordered from my Etsy Shop include some extra goodies; autograph, pack of Felt Wee Folk Playing Cards, and faux flower skirts & wings to make 2 fairies.

2003 edition

This long-awaited all-doll version expands the wee world introduced in the original edition of Felt Wee Folk: Enchanting Projects (C&T Publishing 2003), with pictures, directions and patterns for making more bendable figures with a variety of hairstyles, outfits, and armatures.

Favorite doll projects from the first book, including acorn-capped blossom fairies and other fanciful wee folk make a return appearance. And as requested by fans, more challenging techniques, such as wig making are added, making this book suitable for all skill levels, from the beginner who is learning the blanket stitch to the experienced embroiderer who relishes fine stitching.

Studio Tour

The book is bursting with inspirational photographs of little characters (sized 1.5″ – 4.5″) set up in miniature worlds, from woodland scenes to doll houses, to fairy gardens. A certain type of person enjoys creating and looking into tiny, enchanting worlds and this book is for them! These dolls appeal to the child within you, no matter your age.


Take a behind the scenes look at photo shoots for the book here.

I was very happy to receive this testimonial from Debbie, owner of A Child’s Dream:
“I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your book. All the detail is incredible and so inspiring. It’s clear you’ve poured your heart and soul into it. I’ve seen many craft and how-to books over the years and I just wanted you to know I feel yours is one of the very best! 

Supplies to make the wee folk dolls, including wool felt can be ordered from A Child’s Dream

Felt Wee Folk Playing Cards have been added to C&T Publishing’s product line. They are available in my Etsy Shop.

poster - Felt Wee Folk
poster – Felt Wee Folk

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29 thoughts on “Felt Wee Folk

  1. I have just entered the Wee Folk world for the first time today and I am just amazed! Just stunning!!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I have just emailed a few friends who have called me back and love your work. We will be seeing you frequently. My grand children will have new Felt Wee Folk in their Easter baskets. Again, thanks! Oh! Your birds are wonderful!!! 🙂 ❤

  2. Thank you for speaking at the Sandwich Library! I have been following your work for years and love what you do! thank you for the spark of joy you put out into the world! Tracy

  3. Sally I really enjoy making your fairies out of your book, Enchanting Projects. I am wondering what size seed beads to use on the 3 /12 inch – 4 inch dolls — 11/0, 8/0, or 6/0?
    I am anxiously awaiting my autographed copy of New Adventures. You are an amazingly talented woman Sally — I hope one day to come close to you with my own designs. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. I am so excited about your visit to Greenville SC
    I have been making your wee folks several years I’d love to show them to you at the meet and great
    You are my mentor you have been so inspirational to me
    see you soon

  5. Dear Salley, I have had one of your kits for YEARS in my collection of “Someday I’ll get to that” items. It’s the Nut Cap Children (c2001). I finally got it out this morning and wondered if the Wee Folk Studio was still around. I’ve been poring over your website, the work on the little house in North Africa, the dollhouse people… everything is so lovely and amazing. Thank you for the work you do. It’s very, very inspiring. I can only hope to have half the patience you do. I’ve started a shop on Etsy but it’s slow going! Hope springs eternal :-).
    Lizzy Hess
    (Often Knitting, Sometimes Singing)
    DandelionHandcrafts on Etsy

  6. Thank you for offering your book today in these uncertain times. A good time to plunge into another world making one of these magical dolls.

  7. Muchas gracias por permitir que las muestras de tu trabajo sean vistas por todos aquellos que apreciamos las labores hechas a mano. Estoy interesada en adquirir tu libro, pero no se a donde dirigirme y el valor, vivo en Bogotá(Colombia) . Por favor me podrías informar sobre esto.

  8. Hi, I love porcelain berry vines, even though I know they are invasive, the berries are beautiful. Are there instructions for making one of your Bike Path Porcelain berry wee folk dolls? Also what combination of supplies would I need to purchase?
    Also I see porcelain berry vines growing all along the greenway/bike paths in Raleigh so much so I asked if they had been intentionally planted there, but no it’s a very invasive vine.

    • Thank you for your interest in making fairies from my book, Felt Wee Folk. You can make one that has the colors of porcelain berries. You will need faux flower petals for the skirt (in my shop), wooden bead for the head, acorn cap (painted heads and matching caps in my shop), wool fleece fairy hair (in my shop,) felt for the tunic, pipe cleaners for the body, and embroidery floss for wrapping the body and embroidering the tunic. https://www.etsy.com/shop/SalleyMavor

  9. Thank you. My grandson and I are working on making a fairy doll house for his sister and your dolls will be perfect play partners for her. I was painting peg dolls but I’m not a very good painter, I am very good with fibers. Bless you!

  10. I am trying to buy the wee felt book with the children sliding down the hills in the snow..i am confused.is it the same at the nursery rhymes one or the other new adventures…??? and where can i buy this one?

    • Felt Wee Folk: New Adventures includes the chapter, “Winter Play”, which has dolls pictured in the winter scene. Signed copies are available in my shop or you can purchase the book through any bookstore or online vendor.

  11. Sally just love all you do been following you for quite a while now but haven’t been game enough to give them a go are going to start by going to the beach and find some drift wood and do the ground don’t feel good enough to try the people yet just keep watching it over and over you inspire me, just so talented love it all thank you kind regards Claire

  12. I have always admired your work and how you create your art objects so real looking! I have your Wee Folk Book. However, this morning I had seen your Rooster on Pinterest? Do you have the Rooster pattern for sale separately? I love roosters and collect them. Maybe in the future you can create musical instruments for the Wee Folk?

    Thank you for inspiring me!

    Donna Depatie

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