Strategy session

Trying their best to avoid being distracted by real life dramatics, the cast and crew of the Wee Folk Players (They’re a Stitch) focused their nervous energy into producing this new skit.

Backstage, the mood was hectic, as all hands worked to stage a war room scene that looked like a “fine-tuned machine”. The prop manager located a portrait of Andrew Jackson, though the poor old fellow is in jeopardy of losing his standing as the worst president ever.


Despite rushed and competitive auditions, the newest actor was cast without incident. He/she wasted no time practicing lines and getting into character.


There was even an opportunity for product placement on the set.


Here’s a candid shot (below) of a rare lull in the action, as viewed from the wings. The troupe will take a very short break before starting rehearsals for the next episode in the American Drama Series. They must keep up their stamina because there’s sure to be a lot of exciting and compelling theater ahead!

The Wee Folk Players are busy writing and directing new episodes in the American Drama Series. To keep up with new posts, subscribe to this blog (top right column on the home page). For a wide ranging look at new and old material from my studio, please follow along on Instagram and Facebook.And to find out about my post-election satire, please read  this interview.


23 thoughts on “Strategy session

  1. Do you find yourself smiling (laughing) as you produce your scenes, or do you cry because there’s so much material for new creations?

    • A little of both, Nancy. Art serves many purposes and I need this outlet to understand our world, now more than ever. I’m just so glad that it’s helping others cope in some way, too.

  2. You continue to make my day with your humor and expressive stitch talent! Humor is so desperately needed! Thank you, Sally Mavor!

  3. husband loves where your art and mind is going says..I’m waiting for the day when they annouce all parodies of the President is

  4. Brilliant! The attention to detail with the props is awe-inspiring, Salley. Thank you for continuing to speak your mind through your art.

  5. Sad that it’s all really true. Artists must now become the educators, since the news is all “fake”. Thanks, Salley.

      • Dick and Jane with their mother greeting father with a chocolate cake when he comes home from work is a BRILLIANT choice of pic to illustrate a paternalistic past, where Daddy gets all the focus although he knows nothing of all that goes on at home – because he makes the economy strong? It makes the best backdrop to The Apologists.

  6. Sally, I just love where your talents have taken you, although it’s sad there is a need for it. Thank you for all that you do to brighten our spirits.

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