Women’s March

The Wee Folk Players (They’re a Stitch) have been working around the clock in anticipation of the exciting Inauguration and Protest Season in Washington DC.


All over the country, Pussyhats are being knitted, sewn and crocheted for people to wear while participating in the Women’s March on Washington (and sister cities) on January 21st, 2017. Info and patterns can be found at the Pussyhat Project.


Behind the scenes, the troupe is practicing for the new Administration’s first day in office.


A new costar is being outfitted for his role as understudy for the leading man.



Meanwhile Pussyhat production is hectic, with yarn suppliers reporting brisk sales of the color pink. I just hope that the supply holds up with demand!  Want to make your own? The Pussyhat pattern is a simple easy to make design.

The Wee Folk Players are busy writing and directing new episodes in the American Drama Series. To keep up with new posts, subscribe to this blog (top right column on the home page). And for a wide ranging look at new and old material from my studio, please follow along on Instagram and Facebook. And to find out about my post-election satire, please read  this interview.pussyhatwm

32 thoughts on “Women’s March

  1. Love all of it. I’m knitting hats and giving them to people I know who are going to the march. I can’t-sadly. I’ve also written to all of my local and not so local yarn shops to ask them to publicize and host events. Here’s hoping. Thanks for you creative genius and courage!!!

  2. I’ve been a huge fan of your amazing art for years. I’ve enjoyed your posts, and what I thought was just tongue-in-cheek commentary on the dysfunctional election where there was no adequate choice between the two candidates, neither of which are fit to lead our country. I’ve weighed both sides and am amused by your portrayal of one of them, but when Hillary Clinton said that religions must change their way of thinking and believing so as to accept abortion (and the selling of body parts which is part of it) I was appalled. I believe in Women’s Rights. They deserve the right to raise their baby girls so there never need by an abortion issue! (Unless of course in life threatening cases.) How sad that we can organize a huge protest to support the wrong end of a humanitarian issue. God help us all. This is my viewpoint – I know you welcome all views, and I trust this doesn’t sound like unfair criticism.

  3. I made some pussyhats for a bunch of ladies in my family this Christmas – they were skeptical thinking no one else would be wearing them and that i made them up. Very much enjoyed forwarding this post to them!

  4. Love it! I think of all the things I would like to say on bumper stickers. All my distrust and dislike of our self imposed King Trump and royal family. Since I don’t knit or crochet.,maybe we should have pussyhat bumper stickers .

  5. You are Awesome Salley!! Words cannot say how proud of you and the direction you have been going in for some time… Artist have always been in the forefront of battles along side Soldiers and Victims. Bringing awareness to what is going on around the world. Art and Artists need to speak up, support one another’s right to do so and never censure..GOD Bless You. Rebecca in Palmdale

  6. So disappointed that you have taken your charming art and turned it into a version of taking the low road. I just don’t get any pleasure seeing your little people anymore.

  7. Thanks Salley, for the alert to the “Pussycat Project”. Am on my third hat and and friends are joining me. I give my encouragement to your new found direction!

  8. I am knitting. I only have the final ribbing to do. My granddaughter is going to DC. I’m so excited for her. Mike Pence looks really GREAT….I l

  9. This is wonderful, Salley. Molly directed me to what you’ve been doing lately and after I shared it on Facebook, Elissa at the Horn Book shared it on her page and the HB’s. I was especially glad to see Dave Lajeunesse, a builder friend in upstate NY, has shared your message on his page, too!

  10. This is amazing! I’ve been a fan of your work for many years, and my respect for you just doubled. Thank you for standing up for what is right.

  11. Salley you are terrific – your new political works may be the only good thing to come out of this ghastly election. Thank you!

  12. I love your little people and have been a follower for years and have all of your books but saddened that you would do a political characters showing disrespect to our president and vice president. So sad, I believe and pray for each of our elected presidents and will continue to do so and never put down people when they are working hard for their country as President Obama did and now President Trump.

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