Stormy Stitching

We’re back on the grid! Going without power for the past two days didn’t stop me from stitching, though. The only electricity I usually need is for a lamp, so I adapted to the circumstances. I felt like a Jane Austen character, sitting and stitching near the light of the window during the day and sewing by lamp light in the evening. Sandy’s high winds blew down a lot of trees in town and some roads along Vineyard Sound were flooded, but we weren’t hit as bad as some places to our south and west. Our neighbor with a generator offered to put our frozen food in their freezer, so we saved some sentimental items from thawing, like soup from our garden veggies and striped bass that our son caught.

19 thoughts on “Stormy Stitching

  1. I’m relieved to read that you, your family and neighbors came through Sandy in relatively good shape, Salley.

    Watching the nightmare unfold was something I hope that none of us will ever have to experience again.

    Hugs –

  2. Glad to see you are okay. Isn’t it wonderful to be “sew” natural with lamp light and daylight? I imagine how our grandmothers did all that and for me it was only about 55 years ago that we got electricity. Thanks for sharing and have a good one

  3. I am happy to hear you made it through the storm. We didn’t lose power and in a dry area, so were fine. One tree came down on our back fence, so can’t complain. The village and all of the southern coast line got hit bad.


  4. ok, so in addition to loving that you stitch by lamplight a al jane, i am impressed you have sentimental food….which i never heard of before! happy you are safe…we suffered no damage even though it was expected! yay!

  5. Salley, My thought and prayers were with you and your family, also with my friends and family on the east coast yesterday… Like you and your family they too shared the good news that everyone is okay, a few are without power, but GOD Bless, you are all safe.

    Salley, What an enjoyable way to ride out a horrible storm, quietly hand stitching and enjoying a meal of memories and Thanksgiving.

    GOD Bless You All,

  6. How are you staying warm, Salley? I am so glad you can still stitch clever girl!!! Wishes for your life will return to normal, soon.

  7. I’m glad you are fine! My husband and I were reading updates constantly, checking on family on the Cape, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Virginia! Everyone is well. My son in New York was stranded in his building because of flooding, and his neighborhood in Battery Park is ruined. love, Beth

  8. Glad you got thru the storm safely. I’m in southern NH about an hour from the coast and we were very fortunate not to lose electricity or have any damage. However, I work in Boston and the commuter bus back home mid-day Monday was an experience.

  9. Fico feliz por nada ter acontecido, sonho com um dia podermos nos encontrar e vislumbrar a sua obra e sua genialidade!! Um prazer!!! Andrea Hunka

  10. I’m very glad to hear that you are safe. My daughter and family in central NY are safe as well, whew. All the news about all the damage has been very alarming to us in California, and our hearts go out to those affected.

  11. Our thoughts are with you all here in Australia. Been through a couple of cyclones and floods myself and the impact can be horrendous, Good thing you had your craft to turn to and a wonderful neighbour.

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